Right People, Right Roles provides evidence based insight and a structured blueprint to assure that business leaders have an objective and transparent approach to appoint the talent required to achieve “healthy and fit” cultures of high performance. When organizations align and match the talent of their leaders with the pre-determined complexity of their assigned roles, they increase their overall odds of success from 3:1 against to 2:1 in their favor. Quite simply, you can choose to more consistently “stack the deck in your favor” to achieve higher performance or you can continue to allow for significant variance in decision making with personal bias, prejudice and grade creep in leadership performance and talent management.


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Right People, Right Roles, LLC. and Success Profiles have created a number of innovative performance measurement tools that enable executives to better identify, measure and differentiate the performance of individual leaders in specific departments (from executives to front line managers). Our methodology and tools have proven that demonstrated leadership ability (talent) is the greatest rate limiting factor to overall performance by any measure.  In fact, it represents up to 40% of the variance observed and measured between high performing and low performing functions/departments. The tools also allow business leaders to better diagnose performance and prescribe improvement interventions through a comprehensive structured approach.


We are seeking to aggressively grow and more effectively leverage our business by partnering with well established consulting firms that have a proven track record of success in specific vertical industries. The firms should have consultants that comfortably operate in the “C” suite of executives, have a demonstrated competency in workforce optimization, performance management and organizational performance improvement. We believe that management consulting firms that provide a structured approach to leadership performance and talent management incorporating sound “appointment practices” and action plan coaching will most likely add more value and economic benefit to their clients than through any other improvement interventions.


Innovative Methodology: We have pioneered a unique assessment process that incorporates the Visual Display of Quantitative information (in the format of “Business Intelligence”). The creation of these new and innovative assessment tools and ground breaking research within the Healthcare industry over the past seven years has contributed to business growth opportunities that take on a greater sense of urgency.  We have integrated a structured approach to leadership performance, talent management and performance improvement that is truly different than any other approach currently available in the marketplace. 


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