Strong, cohesive teams that leverage the giftedness of each member produce the best results. This is particularly true in healthcare settings where teamwork often has a significant impact on both clinical outcomes and overall organizational effectiveness.
We use RightPath4 and RightPath6 individual and team behavioral profiles from RightPath Resources to assist our clients in creating and building effective teams at the senior, department and work group levels. By using a strengths-based approach to build understanding of individual strengths and struggles, we equip healthcare leaders and managers with the ability to get the most from the talent resources available to them.
The Path4 and Path6 profiles are Internet-deployed, behavioral assessments that accurately capture the giftedness and limitations of individuals and, when aggregated into composite form, teams. Used individually or in combination, both profiles allow the users to view themselves and others from a fresh, new perspective. User-friendly, graph and text reports relate the individual's scores to one of 16 commonly occurring blended profile patterns and provide feedback on typical strengths and struggles of that profile.
Our choice to use RightPath rather than other profiling systems is well thought out and based on the following points:
To discuss options for using the RightPath assessment tool for your organization, contact us today.
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